God weeps with you. What’s what we learn from Enoch this week. He is there, and he weeps for wickedness, and sorrow.
This week in Moses 7, we learn about the rest of Enoch’s life. Last week in the podcast about Moses 6, we talked about the word becoming, and how Enoch was taking the leap of faith in the Lord to become His disciple. Enoch walked with God, learns from God and was brought up to the Mount Simeon to learn. He is transfigured and see the world and what is coming. He hears the earth and how tired she is. She weeps for her. As they see the wickedness in the world God weeps.
Why does he weep?
God is so sad for those who have heard his word and turned away. He weeps for those who do not listen to Enoch’s message and continue in their wicked ways. He loves. That’s actually why He weeps! Jesus taught us about weeping when he wept with Mary and Martha after their brother died. Before the miracle we know today – that they didn’t know was coming – He took time to weep with them. He cried with these sisters in their loss. Jesus loved so deeply. He mourned with those that mourn. This is the same thing that’s happening. God mourns because of loss. He’s love some of his precious children.