Your true self is already right there, inside of you! You are not lost. You do not need to be found. Today we are diving deep into a quote that Amy shared in Episode #38.
Do you wish you could know that you are enough? Really feel it deep down?
Do you wish you could have more self love? Real, genuine love for you?
Do you wish you knew how to take care of yourself and improve yourself – in addition to taking care of everyone else?
My friend Ember and I have created a FREE 10 day I am Enough course just for you!
Internalize that you are enough.
Learn how to speak kindly to yourself.
Learn how to take care of yourself.
When you can learn these things – you will love, care for, and help those around you and yourself in a way you can’t even imagine!
Sign up now for the FREE 10 day I am Enough Course.
The world surrounds us everyday with comments and thoughts and things it wants us to believe about ourselves. You need this. Act like that. This influences us to believe a variety of things about ourselves. However, they are not true – most of the time! How do you find out who your true self is?
Look back in your life. Dig deep into yourself. Who is there? Can you find the value that you always have within you? It is there! You have worth. You have a value. There is a loving God who wants to see you again and wants you to do your best while you’re here. He wants you to know that you are important. Your worth never changes. Ever!
Let’s unpack this quote together and figure out how you can look inside yourself to find your true self.