Navigating the trials and the hardships in your life with the waters that seem to never recede can be so difficult, especially when it seems they will end. Heavenly Father will bless you for your efforts. He will bring dry land back into your life again. He loves you and is grateful you’re willing to trust in Him and what He’s asking you to do. You have all the reason to look up and have joy. He is in the flood and the art parts of your life. The waters will recede, we will be able to get off the ark and we will be able to find the rainbow that He has given us.
In today’s episode we look at how Noah and his wife were navigating building, loading, getting on and staying on the ark for over a year. It was a long hard journey. However, so are the trials in your life. He will be with you. It may seem like He isn’t and the journey may seem to take WAY longer than anticipated, but He is there, and will help you until the waters recede and the rainbow appears.
Check out last weeks lesson on Enoch.