This week we read about the baptism of Jesus Christ and the Godhead! We also learn about Simon’s Mother-in-law, and other healings that took place that very beginning of Jesus’ ministry.
Jesus Is Baptized
- Luke 3:21-22; Mark 1:9-11; Matthew 3:16-17
- All three of these accounts are going to teach us about the Godhead!
- In all three chapters, Jesus is baptized. In the account in Matthew it is written that Jesus came “straightway” out of the water – which indicates that he was immersed in the water. This is one of the reasons we perform baptisms by immersion in our church.
- Next we learn about the Holy Ghost appearing as a dove. The Spirit of God appears as a dove and descends upon Him.
- I love how Luke describes it – verse 22: In a bodily shape like a dove …
- Then last we find out that a VOICE came from heaven saying …This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.
The Godhead – Three Distinct Beings
- In these verses we see there are 3 different beings present.
- Jesus being baptized in the water.
- The Holy Ghost appears in the form of a Dove coming from Heaven.
- The VOICE of Heavenly Father introducing His Son.
- I love this testament to us that these 3 are not all one being.
- I LOVE the JST that is given in Matthew 1:15a – I love that we learn that John saw and heard and I love that Heavenly Father says, “Hear Ye Him.”
- How are you taking time each day to Hear Him?
- President Nelson said just General Conference October 2022 talk:
- “My plea to you this morning is to find rest from the intensity, uncertainty, and anguish of this world by overcoming the world through your covenants with God. Let Him know through your prayers and your actions that you are serious about overcoming the world. Ask Him to enlighten your mind and send the help you need. Each day, record the thoughts that come to you as you pray; then follow through diligently. Spend more time in the temple, and seek to understand how the temple teaches you to rise above this fallen world.”
What Shall I Do?
- In Luke 3:14
- I connected with this little verse in Luke 3.
- These people are learning from John the Baptist. They ask him, What shall we do?
- I just think it’s a good question to ask. It reminds me of the Rich Young Man who asked Jesus what he lacked.
- Taking time to Hear Him as President Nelson has asked and taking time to ask Him – What shall I do? Sometimes the answer will be small and simple. Sometimes the answer may be huge and one you’ve sought after for years. But we have to take the time to ask Him what we need to do, and then actually learn how to Hear Him and seek after the answer.
Casting Out Spirits
- I loved reading Mark. It just starts off with a bang!
- After Jesus is baptized, we find out that John is put in prison.
- Then Jesus goes to Galilee and finds Simon and Andrew (who are brothers). They’re casting their nets and we find out they are fisherman.
- Jesus invites them to follow Him – “and STRAIGHTWAY they forsook their nets”, and follow him.
- Are you seeing this pattern of those who go to Jesus or stay with Him are quick to do so?
- They go further and find James and Jon (who are brothers), and they’re mending a net. Jesus calls them and they leave. Their father has hired servants though so they don’t leave him to mend the nets and fish alone.
- After Jesus has these 4 new followers/apostles, they go to Capernaum and go to a synagogue and He begins to teach. They haven’t heard anything like this before. The scriptures say they were “astonished at the doctrine – because He taught with authority.”
- Then there is a man with an unclean spirit who cries out.
- In Mark 1:25-27 Jesus says
- His apostles were amazed. They questioned what had just happened.
- In verse 28 it says IMMEDIATELY His fame was known throughout the Galilee.
Simon’s Mother-in-law
- After they leave, they go to Simon’s house. Simon’s MIL is there sick with a terrible fever.
- I wonder what happened. After Simon saw what Jesus could do – did he request the Saviors help to heal his MIL whom they were probably worried about?
- They go to Simon’s home and … verse 31-32.
- IMMEDIATELY her fever left her.
- What does she do next? In so many of the early miracles recorded Jesus asks them to not say anything because His full ministry isn’t under way yet.
- However, He has no need to say this to Simon’s MIL. It says that she ministered unto them.
- What a wonderful woman. She is so sick. She’s healed and then ministers and testifies.
- After this … verse 32-33
- In the morning … I love that we get to find out what Jesus did – at least one this particular morning.
- He gets up a “great while before day” (so early) and goes to find a solitary place and prays.
- Have you ever had the opportunity to pray in a quiet place? Where you could really pour your heart out in gratitude or help or clarity?
- I love that we learn this straight from the Savior.
- What did He pray for? Maybe added strength to heal others? Maybe clarity on where to go that day?
- The apostles find Jesus. They let Him know that there are more people waiting for Him. In fact the scriptures say, “All men seek for thee.”
- He lets them know they’re going to go to the next town over.
- He preaches there and casts out devils.
- In verse 40 a leper comes to Him, begging Him to make him clean.
- These lepers were often abandoned or shunned so others didn’t get the disease. How many years were they left to themselves with no friends and no human contact – physical contact.
- I think we can all imagine a small glimpse of this from our 2020 eyes.
- The simplest things became huge things we didn’t do. Shaking hands. Hugging. High Fives. We literally lost physical connection with people and I think we felt that.
- These people have gone years potentially without being touched and comforted because of this disease.
- I think that’s what makes verse 41 even more loving. It says ….
- He asks him to say nothing – but he tells everyone.
No Longer
- In verse 45 we learn that the knowledge of Him had grown so much He could no longer go out openly in public.
- I love that last part of the verse. “They came to Him from every quarter.”
- How far am I willing to go to be with Him or to find healing by Him?
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