How do we learn self love? Honestly … hard work!
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To learn that true self love comes when we realize that we are the only person that NEEDS to love ourselves! We must have self love. We can not guarantee that anyone will ever show us love. If we can’t find it within ourselves, it will be hard to fully accept it from other people.
Knowing that you are exactly the person who you are you supposed to be, is the first step to find self love.
You are the friend your friends need. You are the mother your kids need. The person you are, is who you are supposed to be TODAY. You can change and improve, and move forward. As you move forward, you will start to become the person you will need to be in a few weeks! But today, you are who you are supposed to be.
Your worth is not based on your achievements.
You have worth because you were born into this world! Every person was born with worth. Every. Single. Person. You have worth and it is always with you. You do not have to do anything to earn it or accomplish anything to have more. Worth is inside of you already! It’s inside all of us.
Take care of YOU!
Take a little bit of time – even 5 or 10 minutes – to just take a deep break, relax, bake something, etc. What brings you joy? Figure out something that brings you joy, and do that. Schedule it into your day somehow. It doesn’t have to be for long. Set a 10 minutes timer and just focus on you for 10 minutes! It will change you!
Make sure to check out Emerge Empowered to learn more from Ember.