Make sure you’ve got your 10 Minute Takeaway Worksheet to go along with today’s podcast topic of evaluating your goals.
Taking time to evaluate your goal is essential. You need to be honest with yourself and how you are actually doing. How are those small and simple steps coming along? Were they too small? Too simple? Now small enough? Are you actually WORKING on your goal each day?
It’s so important to know where we are on the path so we can make sure we get to the end point. This week I share about how my personal goal has been going! This week was a mentally hard week with my goal. I was battling it out mentally. I’m not sure I’m through that part of my journey where I’m good to keep going – but I refuse to go back to where I was.
In the middle of taking time to evaluate how things are going – the number one rule in all of this is to be kind to yourself. This is a great time to learn kind self-talk. Just approach the entire thing with curiosity to know how you’ve been doing. Then kindly decide how you can do better tomorrow. Setting goals is not self punishment. It’s self improvement. You’ll improve much fast when you are willing to be kind of the person you see in the mirror everyday. Evaluate your goals with kindness, love, and curiosity. You will notice a difference in how you treat yourself all the time if you are striving to love yourself.
You are doing amazing things! Keep going!