Anxiety give us the opportunity to have empathy.
If you are striving to become better at loving yourself, grab my FREE 10 Day “I Am Enough” workbook! It is 25 pages, 10 days worth of content that will help you become closer to the person you are striving to be. You’ll learn to love yourself and speak kindly to yourself along the way.
Affirmations are a game changer! I have created 12 FREE affirmations that you can print off and hang around your house so you. can remember your worth and remember that you can take time to speak kindly to yourself.
Anxiety = Empathy (if you let it)
Trials are so hard. We often get so enveloped in them that we forget that we can have joy within our trials. Or, sometimes we’re so pre-occupied by trying to find the good in our trials that we forget that “having patience is the key to letting those trials work for our good.”
Patience is a word we often thing of when we need to wait nicely. However, a Greek meaning of Patience is “cheerful endurance”. To cheerfully endure our trials and let them work in our life is HARD! However, when we allow that to happen we often find empathy and sympathy along the way.
You see, empathy allows connection. It allows us to better understand one another. Empathy allows us to really understand what someone else is going through and then we can help them. We get the opportunity to help other people in some of their darkest hours, because we were willing to endure our dark hours.
I promise that if you work on cheerfully enduring your trials, your anxiety and anything else life throws at you, you will be able to strengthen others. You will be given opportunities to really help others through their dark days. Helping each other and making connections is vital in this life.