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We are diving deep into accomplish our goals and internalizing a word of the year (whichever is your preference)! I’m so excited to be back and have some amazing things planned for this season of the podcast.
When we can take time and really focus on the small and simple things that we NEED to do. These are usually different than we may think. It doesn’t include the need to do the laundry or clean the house. This week we talk about how we can get a lot more accomplished mentally, physically and spiritually when we focus on the small and simple things.
We don’t have to feel overwhelmed and out of control in our lives all the time. First, we really look at the goals we want to accomplish. Then figure out SMALL and SIMPLE steps to make them our reality. Those small and simple steps become life changing.
Make sure you grab your 10 Minute Takeaway worksheet that goes along with this month’s episodes. It will get you focused on the steps you need to take in order to make your big goals a reality. The worksheet will help it not seem so daunting and overwhelming. We have the steps broken down into 4 weeks. Listen to the podcast, then head to your worksheet and dive deep into what you need.
Sign up for the 10 Minute Takeaway worksheet.
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