When was the last time you looked at yourself in the mirror?
I don’t mean this morning when you did your make-up or brushed your hair or checked to make sure all your clothes looked alright. When did you look yourself in the EYES? When did you last look into your eyes and see who was there?Did you have some self love or self compassion? Were you gentle?
It’s incredible what happens when you look into yourself. What’s even more incredible what happens when you look into yourself, and then tell yourself how amazing you are. It’s incredible to find that self love.
My challenge to you this week, is to see yourself, really SEE yourself. Then when you do, tell yourself how amazing you are. Think about something you’re trying to be good at, and praise yourself for those efforts. Tell yourself you’re enough. Tell yourself that your efforts are worth it.
I have found when I take the time to do this, even if it’s just once a week, the rest of my day is changed. You have put myself in a position to find the good. See the good in yourself, and you’ll be able to radiate that to other parts of your life.
The good is inside you. Sometimes we keep it bottled up where only other people can see it. Find it. See it. Remind yourself that it’s there. Stop finding your faults for just a moment.
Find the good. See the good. It’s there. It can change you.