Hello friend! Welcome. I am a follower of Jesus Christ, a wife to my wonderful husband and a mom to 6 kids (ages 17-10). I love helping women like you, see that you are amazing and loved by Jesus Christ in all of your situations and circumstances.
I hope you take a few minutes to look around. I have 2 study courses – one is for a Book of Mormon study group, and the other is a deep dive study on the Relief Society Declaration.
Take a few minutes to check out my podcast as well. This year we are studying the women in the New Testament.
Starting January 1, 2023 we will be reading the Book of Mormon, and finish by March 31, 2023. We will read it together in 90 days, and finish just before the April 2023 General Conference begins.
I will provide study sheet with the dates and chapters to be read, podcast episodes, and YouTube videos to go along with it all. To top if off we will have a live Zoom 3 times during our study together.